Friday 18 February 2011

Question 4

Question 3: Film Review

Having the layout of our review on a single conforms to the conventions of print media. Mostly layouts like our reviews are seen on the internet and require scrolling down – rather than magazines which also can be single paged however are mostly double paged. Below is an example of a similar layout to ours:

Due to the fact that our films twist is the most significant part of the film, we did not want the audience to be aware of this in any stage – whether that be the film poster or even the review – therefore we were not able to apply a big quote from the review (another review convention) as it would give away too much.

We mainly attract audiences through the high ratings and the big picture which are
seen at the very top. Having the name of the director and stars is another convention seen in reviews to which we conformed to. The use of soft eye appealing colours such as light blue, around the image of the 4 boys who seem quite diverse, is our main way of attracting our target audience who are male and female aged 12 – 40. This was the appropriate still for the review as it neither sells nor promotes the film as a comedy or a psychological drama.

Another review writing convention which we have conformed to is reviewing not only the film but the various factors which are within it such as: Acting, directing, cinematography, screenplay to the production team on a whole. Critisms were also evident despite the high ratings which would be the reason why it was one star down from five.

Question 3: Poster

For our ancillary task I created the poster we had first designed as a group. As a group we had to produce a variety of mock poster designs. Below are a few examples of what I had made

We didn’t want our audience to be aware that our film is about imaginary friends or else the twist would not have been as effective – therefore we decided to create a poster with Alex facing away from the camera where as the other characters are looking directly at the camera. This creates an eerie effect yet does not give away too much of our films narrative. Although the film has comical elements it is a psychological drama - there we chose to make the poster look more serious rather than leading audiences on to thinking that it is a comedy film. The use of the black background and the bottom half of the characters fading away portrays our film in a serious manner.

This poster relates to our film as out of the 9 actors within the film these are the main 4. Alex is the protagonist and carries narrative agency therefore we have made his face the closest to the frame and the largest.

The font used: Trajan Pro – is a formal sariff font which conforms to the conventions of films in this genre. Making use of print media is evident through the way we have chosen to colour the title in white as this make it stand out to viewers.

The whole feel to the poster best represents the final moments of the film when audience members discover that the friends are only figments of his imagination. This gloom and dark moment has been portrayed in the poster through the dark use of colours,by adjusting colour levels and applying a Grey/brownish filter on the boys in the back - it illustrates them as grim and pale – as if they are among the non living. This could be something which would bring in our mature target audience as they will be able to recognize such elements.

Question 2: Presentation